Yoko Ono: Mend Piece for the World

mend piece dg.jpg

Discussion Questions

  • Yoko Ono created this piece as a participatory work where viewers mend broken pottery with glue, tape, and twine. What stands out to you in this piece?

  • Each of the individual mended pieces is its own work of art, and all of them together create a different work of art. What emotions does the collection invoke?

  • How can we take the teachings of Yoko Ono to mend what is broken?

Reflections from #MedHumChat

“Some of the broken and mended pieces are connected by twine. Experiences of shared brokenness can connect us and create a shared understanding.” —@OdyO11

“I love the participatory and communal nature of this project. Let's heal from our brokenness together. The pain experience can be so isolating...” —@ClaraHwangMD

“Broken things can be made new and interesting, beautiful and meaningful, without regaining their former state.” —@wordsbymj

About this #MedHumChat

Mend Piece for the World was paired with Kintsugi for a #MedHumChat on May 19, 2021 reflecting on the concepts of Break and Mend.

The pieces for this chat along with the accompanying discussion questions were curated by Rebecca Omlor.

About the Artist

Yoko Ono (1933 - ) is an artist adept in performance art, experimental music, and filmmaking attributed with aiding the international development of fluxus and conceptual art.