Rachel DL: Trauma in the Emergency Room

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Discussion Questions

  • Rachel is a disabled formerly homeless youth, and a survivor of violence. How does her awareness of her marginalized identities factor into her fear that she’ll face harm in medical settings? How might her whiteness also protect her from some of the harms she thinks about?

  • When Rachel thinks about the distressing news stories, her surroundings appear almost surreal. What does this say about the nature of these stories and realities to those that don’t see what she’s thinking?

  • How can harm be reproduced and mediated in medical settings?

Reflections from #MedHumChat

“Patients with marginalized identities -- including disability and chronic illness -- often have a history of harm in medical settings. Of systemic discrimination, of disbelief. So for many patients, the fear of retraumatization is always there.” —@OdyO11

“These stories and realities are very real, stories of my community, and sharing our stories helps us see pattern and make sense about what happens to us. Due to epistemic injustice, marginalized communities often aren't heard. These stories are important.” —@OdyO11

About this #MedHumChat

“Trauma in the Emergency Room” was paired with another comic “Conversations in D4/674” by Rachel DL for a #MedHumChat on August 18, 2021 discussing Healthcare and Harm.

The pieces for this chat as well as the accompanying discussion questions were curated by Rachel DL.

About the Artist

Rachel DL (@wordcalculator) describes herself as a disabled artist and writer whose artistic work is rooted firmly in their identities as a queer, disabled survivor of child sexual abuse.